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Feb 25, 2019

Bradick quoted in Thomson Reuters series by Paladin COO Kristen Sonday

Over the past few months, Kristen Sonday, the COO of pro bono platform Paladin, has been covering a range of interesting and timely issues in her series of posts for Thomson Reuters’ Legal Executive Institute. T&P CEO Nicole Bradick was interviewed and quoted for each of these:

In “How to Reduce Design Bias and Ultimately Increase Access to Justice,” Sonday discussed the challenge with non-diverse founders building Access to Justice products and how to better promote diverse founders.  Bradick offered the following advice:

“Take diverse founders seriously. We naturally seek out people who look and sound and act like ourselves. Hear out a diverse group of founders when looking for solutions and be willing to acknowledge the biases you’re bringing to the table.”

In another post, “Taking a Business Approach to Access to Justice,” Sonday focuses on how to make more sustainable companies that build access to justice technology.  Bradick was quoted saying:

“There’s actually a ton of ATJ tech, but there aren’t more individual companies because everyone is still trying to figure out how to make money and sustain a company in this space . . . .” “You can’t rely on grant funding. I see people making this mistake a lot — it’s simply not sustainable. You need to have a revenue model to work towards . . . .”

Bradick offered this advise on how the industry can support Access to Justice Innovation: “Be willing to fund or buy products from these companies. In the end, it’s always money that’s needed.”